Everything will be fine

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Today the fear has a new name: Covid-19. To defeat it, the only way is to stay at home. Between the four walls that have always protected us and now, however, have become impassable boundaries. They have become almost an enemy. And instead, day after day, those who have always worked with words have discovered that the rooms, the windows, even the remotest corners of the house are wings to the world. Each of them thus chose the way to bring this magic to life.

From their homes, twenty-six of Italy’s most prominent writers made sense of these days by choosing to face the emergency with the weapons of literature as well. To bring their everyday life to readers who love them. And they decided to do it together with the Garzanti publishing house, donating all the proceeds to the Pope John XXIII Hospital in Bergamo.

Some wanted to talk about their days, the established routines, the new things that crack a smile. Of the tears that cannot be stopped, but also of the force of nature that loosens the knot in the throat. Of forced cohabitation, as of distances from loved ones that seem insurmountable. There are those who tell of unfamiliar neighbors who are no more and of work that changes in its tools but not in its substance. Some admit the mistake of thinking that it couldn’t all be true or give voice to the animals who, instead, are happy that it is all true. Others entrust reflections on these strange days to the voices of the beloved characters they created. Everyone is sure that we will come out more aware of what is really important and that we will all meet, hug and walk together soon. They are confident that solidarity will be the value we will carry with us without being able to do without.

All of them are convinced that words, books, stories, unite. They create invisible bonds that break all barriers. While reading we are never alone. And we are strong. And everything appears as it will. Because everything will be fine.