Andrea Marcolongo

Andrea Marcolongo, a writer and journalist with a degree in Ancient Literature from the University of Milan, is the author for Laterza of La lingua geniale. 9 reasons to love Greek (2016). His other publications include La misura eroica (Mondadori 2018), dedicated to the myth of the Argonauts; Alla fonte delle parole (Mondadori 2020), a compendium of ninety-nine etymologies; and La lezione di Enea (Laterza, 2020). Translated in 28 countries, she now lives in Paris.
In 2022 he published De arte gymnastica (Laterza) and Il viaggio delle parole (with Andrea Ucini, for Mondadori). His latest work is Moving the Moon from Orbit (Einaudi, 2023).

Moving the moon out of orbit

In the last week of May, at a store in Paris specializing in mountaineering supplies, Andrea Marcolongo bought a camp bed, a sleeping bag and a flashlight. The next evening he opened his camp bed and spread his sleeping bag not on the top of a mountain peak….

The lesson of Aeneas

If in times of peace and prosperity we ask Homer to teach us about life, at every upheaval of History we should lay down the Iliad and Odyssey and hasten to take up the Aeneid again. Andrea Marcolongo lets us discover the true essence of Aeneas. The hero who…

At the source of the words

99 words to reclaim the world.

99 words to find a voice that otherwise is in danger of becoming too feeble and lost amid the haste and sloppiness of this new century of ours.