Antonio Pascale

Antonio Pascale, born in Naples in 1966, lived first in Caserta then in Rome, where he works and lives. He is a writer, essayist, TV author and Ministerial Inspector (Ministry of Agriculture). He has published many books and won many awards. His latest book is “The Fig Leaf, a story of women, men, trees” (Einaudi), with which he won the Chiara Prize. He edits Agrifoglio and contributes to The Morning Post, The Sheet, Science, and Mind. He writes for Republic Guides and is involved in science popularization.

The other bet

The wager of Blaise Pascal, whose 400th birth anniversary falls in June 2023, was about God. Man is a tragic, hopeless being,” argued the pessimist Pascal, “so it is better to bet on the existence of God: nothing is lost and…