by wp_4555100 | Oct 12, 2020 | Alessia Gazzola, libro, Non categorizzato
Author: Alessia Gazzola Publishing house:LonganesiDate of publication:12-10-2020 Anything she would have thought, but not to be a paleopathologist after graduating from medical school. Not to live in Verona, so far from Messina, his home. Not to have a small dependent...
by wp_4555100 | Sep 24, 2020 | Andrea Marcolongo, libro, Non categorizzato
Author: Andrea Marcolongo Publishing house:LaterzaDate of publication:24-09-2020 If in times of peace and prosperity we ask Homer to teach us about life, at every upheaval of History we should lay down the Iliad and Odyssey and hasten to take up the Aeneid again....
by wp_4555100 | Aug 24, 2020 | Daniela Raimondi, libro, Non categorizzato
Author: Daniela Raimondi Publishing house:North Publishing HouseDate of publication:24-08-2020 The Casadio family has always lived in the village of Stellata, at the crossroads of Lombardy, Emilia and Veneto. Simple, straightforward, hardworking people. Then, in the...
by wp_4555100 | Jun 25, 2020 | Eliana Liotta, libro, Non categorizzato
Author:Eliana Liottaand Massimo ClementiPublishing house:Theseus’ shipDate of publication:25-06-2020 Extreme heat, hurricanes, torrential rains, wildfires, aggressive new viruses like the one that scarred the entire world in 2020. Nature began to rebel. And we...
by wp_4555100 | Jun 9, 2020 | Cristina De Stefano, libro, Non categorizzato
Author: Cristina De StefanoPublishing house: RizzoliDate of publication: 09-06-2020 Who was Maria Montessori really? Linked to his name is the method that revolutionized pedagogy by putting the child at the center of the educational process and respecting the...