Paolo Lanzotti

Paolo Lanzotti

Born in Venice. Graduated in philosophy from the University of Padua. Teacher, first of philosophy, then of Italian. Currently retired. He still resides in Venice, but lives between Venice and Padua.He published the novels I guardiani della laguna (2021), Le ragioni...
Alessandro Leogrande

Alessandro Leogrande

Alessandro Leogrande (May 20, 1977 – November 26, 2017), born in Taranto, lived in Rome. He was deputy editor of the monthly magazine Lo straniero, a columnist for Corriere del Mezzogiorno and was among the hosts of Wikiradio on Radio 3. For the weekly newspaper...
Cinzia Leone

Cinzia Leone

Journalist, writer and author of graphic novels, contributes to Il Corriere della Sera, L’Espresso, Il Foglio. He has published two novels for Bompiani, Liberabile and Cellophane, one for Mondadori, Ti rubo la vita (2019), and five books of comic stories for...
Eliana Liotta

Eliana Liotta

Eliana Liotta, writer, journalist and science popularizer, is the author of best sellers including La Dieta Smartfood (Rizzoli, 2016), with the scientific stamp of the Ieo, published in more than 20 countries, and L’età non è uguale per tutti (La nave di Teseo,...
Andrej Longo

Andrej Longo

Andrej Longo was born in Ischia.In 2002 he published his first book, More or Less at Three (Zero Meridian).In 2003 the novel Adelante published by Rizzoli was released.With Adelphi, in 2007, he published Ten with which he won the Chiara Prize; Who Killed Sarah?...
Ilaria Macchia

Ilaria Macchia

Ilaria Macchia was born and raised in San Donato, a small town in the province of Lecce. A graduate in Cinema, she lives in Rome where she studied screenwriting at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.A number of short films written by her have been selected for...