Life is not a race

Life is not a race

Author:Eliana LiottaPublishing house:La Nave di TeseoDate of publication:19-03-2024 Breaks are the key, the only key, to regaining energy and are also the way to hope to live well and long. Dosing them can reduce the risk of cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, dementia....
The food that will save us

The food that will save us

Author: Eliana Liotta Publishing house:Theseus’ shipDate of publication:08-04-2021 There is a food that is both kind to the body and to the planet. It is an intelligent food, suitable for the Anthropocene, the era in which we live and where humans are the ones...
Nature’s revolt

Nature’s revolt

Author:Eliana Liottaand Massimo ClementiPublishing house:Theseus’ shipDate of publication:25-06-2020 Extreme heat, hurricanes, torrential rains, wildfires, aggressive new viruses like the one that scarred the entire world in 2020. Nature began to rebel. And we...