The mask enigma

The mask enigma

Author:Paolo LanzottiPublisher:Tre60Release Date:28-02-2025 Venice 1754. Since leaving the Angeli Neri (Black Angels), the secret agent corps of the State Inquisition, Marco Leon has lived a seemingly quiet life as librarian to an elderly Venetian nobilhomo. The...
Eleven. Do not forget

Eleven. Do not forget

Author:Andrej LongoPublisher:SellerioRelease Date:25-02-2025 This is a collection of eleven short stories, set in Naples, in its endless suburbs.The stories are all about women. They are taken from the news, stolen by everyday life, describing unknown portraits of...


Author:Andrej LongoPublisher:SellerioRelease Date:25-02-2025 Ten short stories set in Naples’ suburbs. Each of them refers to a commandment, but there isn’t any religious reference and no judgment occurs. Most of the main characters are teenagers, who live lonely...
The third floor window

The third floor window

Author:Paola DaròPublisher:PiemmeRelease Date:28-01-2025 The blue light of the patrol cars illuminates the austere facades of Turin buildings, lighting up the night in a quiet central neighborhood where nothing ever happens. An elderly Savoy painter, Simone Benelli,...
The third floor window

The third floor window

Author:Paola DaròPublisher:PiemmeRelease Date:28-01-2025 The blue light of the patrol cars illuminates the austere face of Turin’s buildings, lighting up the night in a downtown neighbourhood where nothing ever happens. An old Savoy painter, Simone Benelli, was...
I am here: kill me

I am here: kill me

Author:Francesco PiccoloPublisher:EinaudiRelease Date:21-01-2025 If the impression we have of men is that they are powerful, arrogant, violent, selfish and ravenous, then there will also be traces of these men in the key works of our literature, those that have in...