The portrait

The portrait

Author: Ilaria Bernardini Publishing house:MondadoriDate of publication:28-01-2020 Valeria Costas, a globally acclaimed and translated writer, has dedicated her life to her books and to her great love, the well-known entrepreneur Martín Aclà. She lives alone in Paris,...
Tales of Darkness

Tales of Darkness

Author: Fabio Genovesi Publishing house:EinaudiDate of publication:29-10-2019 Who doesn’t know fear? Every era has its nightmares, but every nightmare-for those who live it-is the most frightening of all. Terror stories are whispered in the dark, where...
Matter of Constancy

Matter of Constancy

Author: Alessia Gazzola Publishing house:LonganesiDate of publication:21-10-2019 Verona is not my city. And paleopathology is not my business. Yet, here I am. How could this happen, to me of all people? My name is Costanza Macallè and on the plane that is taking me...