The lesson of Aeneas

The lesson of Aeneas

Author: Andrea Marcolongo Publishing house:LaterzaDate of publication:24-09-2020 If in times of peace and prosperity we ask Homer to teach us about life, at every upheaval of History we should lay down the Iliad and Odyssey and hasten to take up the Aeneid again....
Nature’s revolt

Nature’s revolt

Author:Eliana Liottaand Massimo ClementiPublishing house:Theseus’ shipDate of publication:25-06-2020 Extreme heat, hurricanes, torrential rains, wildfires, aggressive new viruses like the one that scarred the entire world in 2020. Nature began to rebel. And we...
Everything will be fine

Everything will be fine

Author:AA.VVPublishing house:GarzantiDate of publication:09-04-2020 Today the fear has a new name: Covid-19. To defeat it, the only way is to stay at home. Between the four walls that have always protected us and now, however, have become impassable boundaries. They...