Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet

Author: Lorenzo Mattotti Publishing house:LogosDate of publication:01-02-2021 At the tip of a pencil, Lorenzo Mattotti interprets the story of the two young people who have embodied the very essence of love for centuries, choosing not to recount its tragedy in order...
The second floor

The second floor

Author: Ritanna Armeni Publishing house:Ponte alle GrazieDate of publication:10-01-2022 Ritanna Armeni, with her usual rigorous and profound enthusiasm, traverses a crucial passage in our History and gives substance to an exemplary story about courage and sisterhood,...
Mr. Spartacus

Mr. Spartacus

Author: Lorenzo Mattotti Publishing house:LogosDate of publication:26-10-2020 The protagonist of this poetic and hallucinatory comic strip, with the evocative name Spartacus, is a kind of futurist scientist of the early twentieth century, an elegant, quiet, and...
The lesson of Aeneas

The lesson of Aeneas

Author: Andrea Marcolongo Publishing house:LaterzaDate of publication:24-09-2020 If in times of peace and prosperity we ask Homer to teach us about life, at every upheaval of History we should lay down the Iliad and Odyssey and hasten to take up the Aeneid again....