The mask enigma

The mask enigma

Author:Paolo LanzottiPublisher:Tre60Release Date:28-02-2025 Venice 1754. Since leaving the Angeli Neri (Black Angels), the secret agent corps of the State Inquisition, Marco Leon has lived a seemingly quiet life as librarian to an elderly Venetian nobilhomo. The...
The Alchemist of the Lagoon

The Alchemist of the Lagoon

Author:Paolo LanzottiPublishing house:Tre60Data di pubblicazione:19-04-2024 Venice, 1753. In a villa along the Riviera del Brenta, the young nobleman Enrico Albrizi dies. It would appear to be suicide, but some disturbing circumstances, such as the position of the...
The secret papers of the Serenissima

The secret papers of the Serenissima

Author: Paul Lanzotti Publishing house:TRE60Date of publication:14-04-2023 Venice, June 1753. On the evening of his birthday, after a few too many drinks, Dr. Augusto Florian, a former doctor in the service of the Inquisition, finds the body of a dying man and catches...