Cinzia Leone

Journalist, writer and author of graphic novels, contributes to Il Corriere della Sera, L’Espresso, Il Foglio. He has published two novels for Bompiani, Liberabile and Cellophane, one for Mondadori, Ti rubo la vita (2019), and five books of comic stories for Rizzoli. Lives, writes and draws in Rome.

His latest novel is Vieni tu, giorno, nella notte (Mondadori, 2023).

Come you, day, into the night

A suicide bomber detonates himself at a club in Tel Aviv. A young man dies in the massacre, his name is Ariel Anav, he is Italian and wears the uniform of the Israeli army. Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, the parents, Micòl and Daniel, are told that to get their son’s body back…

I steal your life

Stolen lives. Like that of Miriam, the wife of a Muslim Turk who in 1936 decides to replace the Jewish merchant she is in business with, forcing her too to change her name and religion. Stealing Judith’s life in 1938 were the racial laws: kicked out of the…