Cristina Caboni

Cristina Caboni lives with her husband and three children in the province of Cagliari, where she takes care of the family beekeeping business. She is the author of the novels The Path of Perfume – a bestseller sold worldwide, adored by readers and the press, and which topped the Italian and foreign charts – and its sequel, Perfume Knows Who You Are, The Keeper of Honey and Bees, The Garden of Secret Flowers – 2017 Bancarella Selection Prize -, The Binder of Lost Stories and The Weaver’s Room.

The crystal necklace

The blown glass swells as it waits to take shape: it is almost like magic, and when the wonder is realized,
Juliet feels strong and safe. Her family members always make her feel out of place, they do not accept her
world made of creativity…