Gentle Water

Laura Martinetti and Manuela Perugini
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Sesia Valley. Two glances cross at the gates of a hotelnestled in a lush forest. They belong to two women,Giulia and Anna, whose words are lost in the murmur ofthe river rushing past them. They are two strangers, yetconfiding in each other comes naturally, as if they haveknown each other forever. Something in fact unitesthem, even though they have had completely different existences.
Giulia, able to feel other people’s wounds on her ownskin, wants to discover the story of Aunt Laura, whotaught her how to be brave and defy rules to create herown. Anna, crushed by a rigid upbringing and too great aburden, is looking for answers about her motherStefania, a fascinating and enigmatic woman whosuddenly passed away when she was just a young girl,leaving her at the mercy of doubts and uncertainties. They both hope that crossing the bridge to that placewill help them take a step forward into the future. Because, in the past, two other gazes have rested onthe same shimmering waters. Those of Laura andStefania, who entrusted their secrets to the current,the same secrets that, now, are about to be revealed,to allow Julia and Anna to flow free.

A novel that questions the legacy of previous generations, wondering whether our choices can be completely independent of the path of those who paved the way for us.