Le ossa della principessa

Alessia Gazzola
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Welcome to the great Sanctuary of Humiliations. That is, the forensic medicine institute where Alice Allevi does everything to ruin her career as a specialist. If it is true that unrequited love is the most heartbreaking, Alice’s love for forensic medicine beats them all. It almost seemed that her tormented existence in the Institute had granted her a respite, enough to try to put order in her increasingly disastrous love life, but obviously this was not the case.

Ambra Negri della Valle, the beautiful, brilliant, unbearable and perfect Queen Bee, has disappeared. Difficult

imagine a colleague who is more mean than her, always ready to put Alice in a bad light with her superiors, as if she didn’t think about getting into trouble herself, with all the messes she manages to make. Not to mention Ambra’s story with Claudio Conforti, an established medical examiner who is as splendid as he is treacherous, the forbidden dream of every medical resident… And perhaps Alice too.

But as much as she hates Ambra, Alice would never go so far as to wish her death. So, when from the prosecutor’s office

they call her and Claudio asking to go and identify a body just found in a field, Alice fears the worst. As soon as she arrives at the scene of the discovery, however, a thousand questions crowd her mind: who do those poor bones belong to? And what is a princess crown doing next to the body?