The Alchemist of the Lagoon

Paolo Lanzotti
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Venice, 1753. In a villa along the Riviera del Brenta, the young nobleman Enrico Albrizi dies. It would appear to be suicide, but some disturbing circumstances, such as the position of the corpse, the burnt face and the presence of esoteric symbols at the scene of the crime suggest that the young man was involved in a satanic ceremony. Alvise Geminiani, head of the Inquisition, summons Marco Leon to examine the case. A Venezia intanto, Marco sta indagando su una serie di strani disegni erotici, e la chiamata di Geminiani lo costringe a lasciare il caso nelle mani dei suoi Angeli Neri. Arriving at Villa Zulian, Leon realises that Enrico Albrizi has most probably been murdered. After all, everyone in that house had a grudge against him. When a second murder occurs, however, Marco suspects that the trail to follow goes far beyond the walls of the villa. And while, in Venice, the Black Angels continue to investigate the erotic drawings, Marco begins to think that the two events may be connected. The circle of suspicion, at this point, widens enormously. However, if reason prevents him from giving credence to the satanic trail, how can he explain the strange circumstances surrounding the discovery of the bodies? To find the murderer, Marco has only to discover the motive…
From the fog of Venice’s canals to the patrician villas on the Riviera del Brenta, amidst alchemy experiments and dangerous conspiracies, Paolo Lanzotti composes a splendid new fresco that takes us back to the Serenissima Republic at the time of its inexorable but fascinating decline.