The hour of bliss

Cristina Frascà
Release Date:

This year, the first bell of September has a sweeter ring for Anna Tosetti. It seems that, for once in her life, everything is going swimmingly. Or at least it is until it all goes wrong. She is not yet a tenured teacher. But after years of doing very short substitutions and always with practically no notice, she is now back in what she can consider to all intents and purposes her classroom. She will be able to see her students again. And this time she will be able to accompany them until the end of the year. Anna, however, has a terrible problem: she cannot mind her own business. She wants to help everyone, but she is also a magnet for trouble. And so, as she tries to bail out one of her students who has got into some shady business, she is confronted with terrible realities for which she is not at all prepared. When she is entrusted with a troubled boy, in order to help him, she complicates her life. When she notices that a colleague has been absent for too long, she decides to turn herself into a detective and has to face an avalanche of unforeseen events (including a cat that constantly ambushes her). Thus, busy solving mysteries and remedying the disasters of others, Anna runs the risk of not realising that she is neglecting her own life. Yet it is from her students, those she thought she had to teach everything to, that she learns the most valuable lessons. And instead of letting her drown in a sea of troubles, the people she has helped will bring her to safety by making room for her in their lifeboat.

Anna Tosetti is a difficult character to forget: a woman who perhaps meddles a little too much in other people’s business, but who certainly does not leave anyone alone in the most difficult moments.