The rootless girl

Cristina Caboni
Release Date:

A wine that rested on the sandy bottom of the sea, cradled by the waves. Adeline had never heard of anything like it. Yet, ever since she tasted it, something in her changed. Perhaps because it was Miranda, the elderly woman who suddenly turned up one day at the archives of the municipality of Nice, where Adeline works, to get information about a son she thought had died at birth. Miranda is certain she has seen him, now an adult, but has not been able to stop him. Adeline knows not to indulge her demands, that the past is past and must be left where it is. She repeats this to herself every day so as not to think about her parents who abandoned her as an infant without ever looking for her. Now she is an accomplished woman, she does not have to look back. But the emotion and despair she read in Miranda’s eyes have stirred something inside her. She must help her find her son. Always fascinated by genealogy, Adeline is able to rummage through old documents and forgotten papers to unearth a clue; a search in which she would like Damien, the social worker who taught her how to look forward and heal her wounds, to be beside her. But he is afraid that investigating the origins of a family will hurt her too much. Adeline is aware of this, but something special binds her to Miranda. What she does not know is that families always harbour secrets that do not necessarily have to be revealed. Some can call everything into question.

No one like Cristina Caboni knows how to enter the heart of the protagonists, making us live their dreams, fears, insecurities and joys. Now it is the turn of Adeline who, without having a past, helps another woman discover hers. The fascinating world of wine and vine cultivation forms the backdrop to a story that speaks of us all, because we are all a twine of relationships, family and emotional ties.